This is Suggestive of Money Laundering

Matthew G. Saroff
4 min readApr 18, 2023


We are back to the adventures of that craven connoisseur of conspicuous corruption, Clarence Thomas.

Specifically, the distinguished jurist has reported thousands of dollars of income from a real estate company that was shut down in 2006.

So, we are talking 17 years of misreporting the source of his income.

BTW, the company in question, Ginger, Ltd., Partnership, was founded by Ginny Thomas and her family, and it generated between $50,000.00 and $100,000.00 a year while it did not exist.

I am not quite sure how a defunct company does this:

Over the last two decades, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has reported on required financial disclosure forms that his family received rental income totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars from a firm called Ginger, Ltd., Partnership.

But that company — a Nebraska real estate firm launched in the 1980s by his wife and her relatives — has not existed since 2006.

That year, the family real estate company was shut down and a separate firm was created, state incorporation records show. The similarly named firm assumed control of the shuttered company’s land leasing business, according to property records.

Since that time, however, Thomas has continued to report income from the defunct company — between $50,000 and $100,000 annually in recent years — and there is no mention of the newer firm, Ginger Holdings, LLC, on the forms.

I think that it’s fairly clear that the misnaming of the income source was a deliberate attempt to conceal who, or what, might be generating revenue for the latter company.

According to the report, the company in question generated between ¼ and ½ million dollars a year, so (one would assume Ginny) held about a 20% stake in the firm.


Thomas’s income from the firm he describes as “Ginger, Ltd., Partnership” on the financial disclosure forms has grown substantially over the last decade, though the precise amounts are unknown because the forms require only that ranges be reported. In total, he has reported receiving between $270,000 to $750,000 from the firm since 2006, describing it as “rent.” Thomas’s salary as a justice this year is $285,000.

That is a significant portion of the Justice’s take home pay, innit?

The company’s roots trace back to two lakeside neighborhoods developed decades ago by Ginni Thomas’s late parents in a community in Douglas County, just outside of Omaha.

Ginger Limited Partnership was created in 1982 to sell and lease real estate, state incorporation records show, and its partners were Ginni Thomas, her parents and her three siblings. The firm owned and leased out residential lots in two developments, Ginger Woods and Ginger Cove, collecting rent annually from each occupied plot of land, according to copies of lease agreements on file with the county.

When he was nominated to a federal appeals court in 1990, Thomas listed the firm in a financial statement as one of his wife’s assets — worth $15,000 at the time.

A fifteen thousand dollar asset does not generate north of half a million dollars a year in revenue.

The firm was dissolved in March 2006. Around the same time, Ginger Holdings, LLC was created in Nebraska, according to state records, which list the same business address as the shuttered company and name Joanne K. Elliott, the sister of Ginni Thomas, as manager.

The same month, the leases for more than 200 residential lots in Ginger Woods and Ginger Cove were transferred from Ginger Limited Partnership to Ginger Holdings, LLC, property records in Douglas County show.


Ginni Thomas is not named in state incorporation records related to Ginger Holdings, LLC.

Of course not. The business is used to launder bribes to a Supreme Court Justice. One does not simply place the name of the spouse on an instrument for bribery.


In his most recent disclosure, in 2021, Thomas estimated that his family’s interest in Ginger Limited Partnership, the defunct firm, was worth between $250,000 and $500,000. He reported receiving an income from it between $50,000 and $100,000 that year.


Ginni Thomas earned more than $686,000 from the conservative Heritage Foundation from 2003 until 2007, according to the nonprofit’s tax forms. Clarence Thomas checked a box labeled “none” for his wife’s income during that period. He had done the same in 2008 and 2009 when she worked for conservative Hillsdale College.

Thomas acknowledged the error when he amended those filings in 2011. He wrote that the information had been “inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions.”

In some years before those omissions, however, Thomas had correctly reported his wife’s employment.


Thomas also did not report reimbursement for transportation, meals and lodging while teaching at the universities of Kansas and Georgia in 2018. After the omission was flagged by the nonprofit Fix the Court, Thomas amended his filing for that year. He also amended his 2017 filing, on which he had left off similar reimbursements while teaching at Creighton Law School, his wife’s alma mater.

It is clear that Clarence Thomas is deeply corrupt, and that unleashing a forensic accountant at his, and his wife’s, finances will show that.

What is everyone waiting for?



Matthew G. Saroff
Matthew G. Saroff

Written by Matthew G. Saroff

Husband, father, pinko, slave to cats

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