Snark of the Day


As we said back in November, was an unofficial thing that would live or die on its own merits. Turns out it’s “die” — but as failed experiments go, this one hasn’t cost anyone $44bn. That’s something, relatively.

— The Pink Paper

The good folks at the Financial Times are shutting down their Mastodon server, because operating even a small node on a social network is rife with resource demands, legal risk, and general pain in the ass, or as they observed, “Mastodon has proved more hassle than it’s worth.”

Of course it’s the, “But as failed experiments go, this one hasn’t cost anyone $44bn. That’s something, relatively,” that I am referring to as the magnificent snark.

The British have a way with inflicting a burn, in this case on Elon Musk, with precise and devastating cuts that I admire profoundly.

