Now This is Hardcore

Matthew G. Saroff
2 min readNov 29, 2022


Not only does Elon want to make Tweeps work 80 hour seeks, it now appears that he wants them to work for free as well.

I guess chasing 90+% of your payroll staff was not a good thing:

Twitter is investigating why some staff in Europe have not received their November salaries in a timely manner amid sweeping cuts and layoffs across the company since Elon Musk’s takeover.

Twitter staff in the UK received an email just before 1 pm London time on November 25 telling them their pay date would be November 28. Alongside the email, sent from the EMEA Payroll Team, staff received their usual monthly payslips. However, staff in the UK and Germany appear not to have been paid on time.

“It has come to our attention that some of you may not have received your November 2022 salary yet in your bank account,” an email sent to current and former staff reads. “The payments have gone through our Twitter bank account, and as usual, with no change to the process.”

The email says this “might be a delay in Interbank settlement” but adds the company is “actively investing [sic] with our bank and will keep you posted.”

Four independent sources in the UK and Germany told Ars Technica that they had not received payment on the morning their salaries were due.

The sources included current and former staff — the latter of whom should still be paid per the terms of their release from the company.


Twitter has already been criticized by former staff for not paying their expenses on time. Former Twitter employees who incurred expenses while still working for the company are owed thousands in expenses that are gathering debt on their personal bank accounts. Much of Twitter’s payroll staff resigned in mid-November after Musk’s work-long-hours-or-quit ultimatum.

Seriously, Elon has no idea how to run a business.


