2 min readJan 31, 2022
- Content Analysis of Secretary Blinken at Geneva Reveals Psychopatholical Incapacity to Negotiate with Russia (Dances with Bears) Applies the Rand technique to Blinken, and concludes, “He wants war with Russia; he has no mind for any alternative.”
- A Bug in Early Creative Commons Licenses Has Enabled a New Breed of Superpredator (Cory Doctorow) We are now seeing Creative Commons copyright trolling.
- The hidden origin of the escalating Ukraine-Russia conflict (Canadian Dimension) The snipers at the Maidan protests were right wing paramilitaries operating from Maidan controlled buildings.
- ‘You never have to leave’ a Missouri mansion for sale: owner (Miami Herald) “You can check out any time you’d like, but you can never leave.”
- Terry Pratchett estate backs Jack Monroe’s idea for ‘Vimes Boots’ poverty index (The Guardian) It’s about how it costs more to be poor.
- Are Overly Aggressive Trademark Lawyers Learning Not To Be Such Assholes All The Time? (Techdirt) MSCHF sells T-shirts with corporate logos offering hats to the people who buy the shirts from the first company to offer a cease and desist letter. Subway responds by offering a T-shirt with an MSCHF logo. Much good natured hilarity ensues.
- Talking “Bretbug” in the Classroom (Dave Karpf) A study on how Brett Stephens shot himself in the foot for MONTHS over a joke about him by Professor Karpf. The good doctor now has written it up as a lesson.
- Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission chair argues nuclear power isn’t a climate solution (The Verge) Short version: It will take too long, and cost too much, and then miss the predicted schedule and budget.
- Sales of Maus Spike After Tennessee Book Banning (AV Club) Karma is a bitch.
I’ve always found the glass armonica to be a fascinating instrument: