Good Riddance
When you look at big ticket bankruptcy trials, there were 3 courts in the US that handle the majority of them, (61% of cases) White Plains, New York, Houston, Texas, and Richmond, Virginia, and just 5 judges,
As I have observed before, this happens because judges are aggressively wooing big bankruptcy cases with the promise of courts that are biased in favor of the filers..
The judges are/were Robert Drain (White Plains), David Jones and Marvin Isgur (Houston), and Keith Phillips and Judge Kevin Huennekens (Richmond).
It should be noted that Robert Drain moved from New York City, where was one of a number of judsges chosen randomly, to White Plains where he was the only available judge, and where the Sackler crime family moved Purdue Pharma headquarters prior to filing bankruptcy because they wanted a big corporation friendly judge.
In Houston, home of the notorious Texas Two Step Bankruptcy scam, any large cases are automatically moved to either Jones or Isgur, who have publicly and aggressively solicited these large cases.
Following his disgraceful and corrupt ruling in the Purdue Pharma, which gained him some well deserved, if undesired, public infamy, he retired and went to work for the Corporate Restructuring Group at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, where I am sure that he is crying all the way to the bank.
Well another judge, this time David Jones in Houston, resigned and a misconduct investigation has initiated because he was hearing cases from his live in girlfriend.
The remarkable thing about this is that it was uncovered by a litigant who was representing himself in court (the legal term is pro se) who uncovered this.
Actually, that bit about the pro se litigant revealing this may not be that surprising. Unlike the lawyers who regularly represent clients before that court, he did not have to worry about retribution from from either Jones or his fellow judges.
It seems that judge thought that, even though he had lived with his girlfriend for years, it wasn’t a conflict of interest because they were not married. (J.D. Harvard Law. Who knew that a Harvard Law School diploma was not worth the paper on which it was printed?)
David Jones has resigned his post as chief bankruptcy judge for the Southern District of Texas– a stunning turn of events for one of the country’s most powerful bankruptcy judges who has overseen a series of high-profile cases during his tenure.
Chief District Judge Randy Crane of the Southern District of Texas confirmed Jones’ resignation in an interview with Insider. He said that the decision would go into effect on November 15.
The more than 3,000 cases that were on Jones’ docket will be redistributed to other judges, Crane added.
3,000 cases? Given that the average number of cases on the docket of a federal judge in the 5th circuit, Jones’ circuit, is 783, it appears to me that he has been a very busy boy.
My guess is that he had a bankruptcy fraud friendly “Rocket docket,” and that is why he had so many cases on his docket.
There has clearly been a f%$# tonne of pandering to rich pig mega corporations who want to ditch retirement obligations, or, as in the case of the Sackler crime family, the consequences actual homicide.
Until Insider disclosed it, neither Jones nor Freeman had acknowledged their relationship. The allegations first emerged in a suit filed earlier this month by pro se plaintiff Michael Van Deelen, who shared the complaint with Insider.
Jones later confirmed to The Wall Street Journal that he and Freeman are in a romantic relationship and had shared a home for years.
[Chief District Judge Randy] Crane told Insider that Freeman was recently removed from the Attorney Admissions Fund Committee, which administers the fees collected when attorneys join the bar. It’s unclear whether she’ll remain in her role as the chair of the court’s bankruptcy bench bar conference, he added.
On Friday, Jones said in a federal court hearing that he was under investigation by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit following media reports about the relationship, and that he would be stepping down from his cases. Later that day, Judge Priscilla Richman of the Fifth Circuit issued a formal complaint against Jones, writing that there was “probable cause to believe” that Jones had engaged in misconduct.
Richman specifically cited Jones’ role as mediator in a matter involving Freeman, alluding to the Tehum case. “Judge Jones did not disclose his relationship with Ms. Freeman to the parties, to their counsel or to the bankruptcy judge who appointed Judge Jones,” the misconduct complaint says.
It should be noted here that the, “Bankruptcy judge who appointed Judge Jones,” was in fact Judge Jones.
Jones and his girl friend need to be disbarred at a minimum, and probably should be arrested.
As for the rest of the 5th Circuit, they had to know that Jones and Freeman were living together, and that entire circuit should be gone over with a microscope.